Frequently asked questions

Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about movies streaming online on 01MoviesHD. If we make any changes in the future, we will update this FAQ. For now, we talk about how to watch movies online for free with available downloads.

About the Streaming

All the movies in our site are in streaming 100% free in VO and VOST.

Movies are available in DVD, Blu-ray, HD Ready, Full HD, and UHD. Streaming picture quality in 720p, 1080p, and 4K.

Whether it's a movie or a saga, just choose from the available players and press the play button to start watching the streaming online for free.

At, we offer several servers for each movie. From our experience, we have found that the best servers are: UPVID.CO and UPVID.BIZ, which are fast and uninterrupted.

The ads that appear in the player are not placed by us on 01MoviesHD. Since we do not host movies or episodes on our website, the owners of these players and servers place the ads and we are not able to remove them. We recommend that if a pop-up window opens while you are watching an episode or movie, you close the ad and continue watching the streaming for free.

About Downloading

On each movie page, select the available servers and follow the instructions on the download site.

We offer several movie download servers, which you can find on our streaming site. For example: Mega, 1fichier, Upstream, Mixdrop, Vidoza, Ninjastream.

The best servers and hosting sites are those that offer downloads without connection limits (speed), CAPTCHA, or pop-up ads. We recommend these servers that offer high speeds and fewer ads: Mega, 1fichier, Upstream.

Video hosts often delete files from their servers. However, it may happen that a link does not work anymore. In this case, please use one of the other alternative servers listed (we have several available). If all links are broken, please let us know so we can update them.

Of course, you can download your favorite streaming movies for free. Use a program such as Utorrent to open the torrent file and start downloading. Keep in mind that if someone else does not torrent the movie or episode in question, your file will download very slowly or at all. In this case, use a hosted server.